Evaluating a whether a research paper is good or bad is critical. Every research is presented in a way that could attract and could make believe that it was the truth. Truly, it would be a presentation of what they wanted to prove. Sometimes. It could be deceiving, bias and prejudice. It is hard to identify the flaw and its imperfection without the correct procedure.

I researched about the proper way of evaluating the research and here are the tips i found.
The text below is taken from http://www.vtpi.org/resqual.pdf

Research Document Evaluation Guidelines
The guidelines below are intended to help evaluate the quality of research reports and articles.
Desirable Practices

1. Attempts to fairly present all perspectives.

2. Provides context information suitable for the intended audience. This can be done with a literature review that summarizes current knowledge, or by referencing relevant documents or websites that offer a comprehensive and balanced overview.

3. Carefully defines research questions and their links to broader issues.

4. Provides accurate data and analysis in a format that can be accessed and replicated by others. Quantitative data should be presented in tables and graphs, and available in database or spreadsheet form on request.

5. Discusses critical assumptions made in the analysis, such as why a particular data set or analysis method is used. Indicates how results change with different data and analysis. Identifies contrary findings.

6. Presents results in ways that highlight critical findings. Graphs and examples are particularly helpful for this.

7. Discusses the logical links between research results, conclusions and implications. Discusses alternative interpretations, including those with which the researcher disagrees.

8. Describes analysis limitations and cautions. Does not exaggerate implications.

9. Is respectful to people with other perspectives.

10. Provides adequate references.

11. Indicates funding sources, particularly any that may benefit from research results.

1 comment:

THOMAS said...

Im with you regarding your opinion in this matter...