/* /* boysamad: SONA Research Topic

SONA Research Topic

Flourescent: Energy Saving Simulation

- to determine the effectiveness of using flourescent as tool for energy saving
- to know its difference between other light devices
- to determine its reliability to the nation
- to give its advantages and dis advantages
- to know statistical data on amount being saving

Effects of VAT

-to identify its pro and cons
- to the government
- to the consumers
- to the bussinesmen
- to determine its range of applicability basing on its effect


- determine the possibility of the the tax from oFW for proverty solution
- shows pros of their capability towards poverty solution
- encourage OFW of their importance towards country's progress
- show how much can an OFW help from a trh removal of taxt excemption
- identify the sectors frm which taxes from OFW would be productive

1 comment:

THOMAS said...

I read with interest this post regarding your comment about some research topic regarding the SONA.. and I think It is good to come up with those ideas...